A meteorite crater lake changes color overnight
A crater lake in the western state of Maharashtra, India, turned pink overnight, delighting fans around the world and intriguing specialists who attributed ...
SpaceX is currently studying how to land its Starship on the Moon
SpaceX director Elon Musk has given new information as to what his space company plans for its massive Starship spacecraft and Super Heavy ...
How to check if your smartphone is compatible with Galileo?
GPS Since the announcement of the commissioning of Galileo, smartphone manufacturers have set out to develop chips compatible with GPS made in Europe The ...
Predict the next pandemic?
The Covid-19 strikes again but already, researchers are working to determine where the next will come from. Could predicting the inevitable one day ...
Brazil: in the middle of a pandemic, scientists fight against the anti-science government of Bolsonaro
Brazil is currently one of the countries in the world most affected by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic, with more than 300,000 cases of ...
Researchers have discovered where stress ‘lodges’ in the human brain
Today, many people are under stress, it is undeniable. But although the subjective feeling of stress is ubiquitous and seemingly an inescapable part ...